
my fault

With all of the dreamy photos, inspiring words, and "successful" people that seem to have "THE" clothes, the house, the career, and the money........ it can get a little, well, depressing. While sitting on an old dell laptop in an unfinished room and sipping Folgers coffee out of a mismatched mug, while my uneven skin is exposed without a hint of makeup...... such is life. :)

Here is a little dose of reality when you start to

compare your life to what you see online.

I am horrible with money.

My handwritting is angled and no one can ever read it.

My second toe is longer than my big toe.

Im super indecicive.

I worry. A LOT!

I avoid responsibilities to a perfection.

When I wake up in the morning, I look nothing like I do when I leave the house (phew!)

My closet room is always messy!

I tend to be dreaming when I am in a conversation, which makes me ask for a repeated sentence.

I don't know a stitch about politics (and frankly don't care to).

I'm not the best domestic partner, by that I mean I don't like to cook or clean.

My car's gas tank is often on empty.

Sometimes I go to bed without washing my face (BAD makeup artist!!)

I judge people. (guilty)

Math is not a subject I was ever successful in, and am still not.

And that is me.

Imperfections and all.........

I promise a more uplifting post next time! :)

Source: 9gag.com via Meandra on Pinterest

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