
FREE your mind.

It's amazing how different elements can spark inspiration from images of a catalog, to people on the street, to a photograph from the past. It can reflect into your mood, your wardrobe, your activities, and your home.

Tribal prints are totally enticing my dreams of sitting beach side, buy a fire pit these days. They remind me of summer vacations when we would travel by truck & camper to the flatlands of Montana,SD, and Wyoming. These images are all totally plummeting me straight into summer dream-mode. (Hey, if you cant take a vaca, you might as well take one through the web!) Awww......






1FreePeople's Call of the Wild campaign. So dreamy. http://www.freepeople.com/juneecatalog/#

2Gucci's 2008 ad http://www.gucci.com/

3The talented creative designers at FP! What an inspiration board! http://www.freepeople.com/juneecatalog/#

4Accessories, EXCESSories. http://www.pinterest.com/

5The frugal tribal print. LOVE! Something about this photo....I LOVE. www.pinterest.com

1 comment:

  1. Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee these prints K:)



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